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6 Great Articles On Your Home Plumbing Now

ET Monday through Friday or online at and click “Recall Information” at the bottom of the page for more information. Units: About 222,000 (in addition, about 450 were sold in Canada) Description: The recall involves three models of GE Profile high-efficiency top-loading clothes washers. The washers come in gold, gray and white and measure about four cubic feet. “GE Profile” is printed on the front of the washers. The model number is located on the rear cover of the washer’s backsplash, above the water valve connections. Recalled washers have the following model and serial number ranges: Incidents/Injuries: GE Appliances has received 71 reports of internal washer components burning or catching fire, including three reports of fires resulting in about $129,000 in property damage. No injuries have been reported. Sold at: Best Buy, Lowe’s, Sears, The Home Depot and other stores nationwide from June 2003 through October 2011 for between $900 and $1,400. Villa Park IL 60181 Manufacturer: GE Appliances, of Louisville, Ky. Importer: GEA Products, L.P., of Louisville, Ky. Contact us at this toll-free number if you have questions about a recall: Times: 8 a.m.

If you have your sewer line cleaned out on an annual basis, you are much less likely to experience any serious problems. Our skilled and experienced technicians are all trained to the highest standards, so you do not have to worry. They are equipped to handle any situation. We have access to all the latest equipment, so we can deal with any sewer line, no matter how clogged or blocked it may be. Clearing out a significant amount of blockage can take some time, but we will do so as quickly and efficiently as possible. We work hard to make sure that we get your problem solved with the minimum amount of disruption. We will always treat you with professional courtesy and explain everything that we will be doing. If you ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask and we will answer them to the best of our ability. When you are having trouble with your sewer line, just pick up the phone and call us at Midwest Plumbing Pros.

But if there’s no water now – just dusty evidence – you still might be able to find the leak. Water follows the path of least resistance. There’s a pretty good chance if you found evidence of a leak (and it hasn’t been fixed ), that water will travel that way again. One trick to help find where the drips are dropping from calls for a paper towel or paper bag. This is a useful trick in rental homes, especially when you’ve just moved in (since a leak may have been fixed, but the cleanup job may not have been too great). Grab a paper towel, a paper bag, or even a newspaper and put it under where you suspect dripping. If a drip falls, it will leave a spot, which should help you find where the drip originated. You can also try making an ink grid on the paper using some sort of non-permanent marker to make any drips more obvious. If there are supply lines or appliances around the suspect area, check them carefully for rips or splits, unattached hoses , or anything else that looks like it could cause a leak. If all looks right, turn on the water (or water-using appliance), making sure you can turn if off again quickly just in case.

Take your time. The longer you take, the longer it takes for the crippling depression to set in. Lesbian voters turn away from Wiener in upcoming election. Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, known for coming under fire for a twitter sexting scandal in 2011 is considering a mayoral run this year. Expected to face openly gay politician Christine Quinn, the war of words has already begun. “Wiener just leaves a bad taste in my mouth,” Quinn said in a press conference late this evening. She continued to say that following Weiner’s infamous sexting scandal only two years ago, a mayoral campaign would be a “ballsy and even cocky move.”   Quinn is not alone, a recent Gallup poll finds nearly 100 percent of lesbian voters disinterested in Wiener. Although this data is hardly surprising, Weiner will have to gain support in this demographic in order to avoid getting the shaft in the 2013 elections.    Senator in hot water after slander of handsome NK leader A top US Congressman yesterday expressed concerns regarding the “stability” of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, sparking controversy throughout the international community. “My comments were out of line,” the congressman said in a press conference this morning. “I meant no disrespect.”  The comments were considered particularly inappropriate following yesterday’s charitable actions by the North Korean dignitary. North Korean television reported his heroic deeds, showing him dropkicking a dragon that had been devastating at least two small North Korean cities; saving a horde of thankful and beautiful women, all of whom had been hanging off cliffs; and rolling in a large pile of money while thankful children looked on.  “Unstable?” said President Obama in a press conference to alleviate the international embarrassment.

“Hating on the ethnics is so outdated, we instead are turning our attention to the 21st century abomination, homosexuals.” This came as a surprise to many bishops who try not to talk about that, “seeing as that thing with the alter boys got a little dicey.” However Pope Bergoglio is a strong advocate of homophobia, and promises by the end of his reign, “everyone will be a bigot.”   As tensions build in the Korean Peninsula, a South Korean plays Starcraft There’s a lot going on in the Korean peninsula these days. Every day North Korea seems to be gearing up more and more for some weird modern war with their generally just kind of nice but eccentric neighbors. The Onteora Sewer had the privilege of interviewing a South Korean during this crisis. When asked about the impending war he looked up weary-eyed from his computer screen and said, “Yeah, the North Koreans are rough.” Turning back quickly, he took a big ol bite out of some greasy-ass pizza, pressed a few keys, and shouted, “Fuck the Terrans, Zergs for life bitch,” and won the hell out of a game of Starcraft. Enthralled with the skillful gamesmanship, our reporter continued watching, giving advice occasionally, but mainly basking in the heartfelt devotion that was a video game being played right. When Starcraft was finished, it was time for DotA, then World of Warcraft. It was a night of cheap food and sore backs. North Korea became the mother who tells you to get off the computer, who you ignore with all the stoicism and majesty of a goddamn Blue Crane flying in the air, free as the fucking wind. When the sunlight began to creep up on the horizon, our reporter had long since fallen asleep, leaving the South Korean alone with his thoughts.


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